Fictitiously, Frequently, and/or Factually Asked Questions.

How are the vocabulary words selected?

Anything that makes reading comprehension easier is fair game. The list includes not just general vocabulary, but also foods, places, people, fashions, animals, etc. Since ajvocab.com is intended for the "average Joe" there are certain terms we ignore/include:

Why isn't every definition for a word listed / why are some of the words so easy?

We skip familiar definitions known by a majority of English speakers. For example, since we consider the words meet, souse, and sleeper elementary vocabulary, books using these words only in the everyday sense are skipped: Rather than making our job easier, this is a major hurdle in completing the vocabulary collections; we must verify not only whether the word is used in the book, but also what sense it is used. The confounded words are the bane of this site's existence.

Why are foreign words sometimes listed as synonyms?

This sometimes occurs with words of Russian, Hebrew and Arabic origin. Technically they should go on a separate field, but there are already too many fields so we decided to paste them in with the synonyms. Sorry if it bothers you, but unless we have a compelling reason to change it, we won't.

Why don't all the words have pronuncations?

We are working on it—and we need help. Unfortunately we lack the programming infrastructure for such sharing, but if we get enough feedback from people willing to help with word pronunciation we will write the code.

This would basically involve a (non-automated) new user screen, a record button, a playback button, an upload button, and some code infrastructure. It is doubtful we could support smartphones. As with all software, bug fixes and improvements would be incremental.

Shoot us an email on the contact page if you are willing to help with word pronunciations (also note languages and region). If there is enough interest we will write the code.

Why do the icons change when different words are selected?

The icons on the vocabulary page change to reflect the category. So there are special sets of icons for, i.e. places, artists, birds, and music. Not every category has a special set of icons.