Jane Eyre vocabulary

432 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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to assume, or claim as one's own, unduly, proudly, or presumptuously;
to make undue claims to, from vanity or baseless pretensions to right or merit;

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

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Among Christians every thing seems to be abandoned to the imagination, caprice, and arbitrary decision of priests, who arrogate to themselves the right of fabricating mysteries and articles of faith, as their interests occasionally require.

Baron d' Holbach. Christianity Unveiled (1804)
they do not even scruple to arrogate to themselves the merit of some of his performances, and have been known to sell their own lucubrations as the produce of his brain.

Tobias Smollett. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771)
“The human and fallible should not arrogate a power with which the divine and perfect alone can be safely intrusted.”

Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre (1847)
This claim to arrogate to herself the exclusive right over walks and drives, as over Morel’s and formerly Dechambre’s playing, and to compel the landscapes to form part of the little clan, was not for that matter so absurd as it appears at first sight.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 4]
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