Jane Eyre vocabulary

1 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

1 [historical] words
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1. (now rare, historical) A pasha. [16th-19th c.]
2. (archaic, often pejorative, by extension) A grandee. [from 16th c.]
3. A very large siluroid fish (Leptops olivaris) of the Mississippi valley; the goujon or mudcat.

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And you've got your fortune out of that profitable business which had such a blessing on it. You've taken to being a nob, buying land, being a country bashaw. Still in the Dissenting line, eh? Still godly?

George Eliot. Middlemarch
With words of his own coining, with roots, and authorities often ridiculous, and always useless; or with definitions impertinent and erroneous. A Bashaw he calls 'the viceroy of a province;' and he might as well have said that every man in England is six feet high. A Condoler is 'one who compliments another upon his misfortunes.'

J.T. Callender. Deformities of Dr Samuel Johnson. (1782)
“I’ll be preparing myself to go out as a missionary to preach liberty to them that are enslaved—your harem inmates amongst the rest. I’ll get admitted there, and I’ll stir up mutiny; and you, three-tailed bashaw as you are, sir, shall in a trice find yourself fettered amongst our hands: nor will I, for one, consent to cut your bonds till you have signed a charter, the most liberal that despot ever yet conferred.”

Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre
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