Jane Eyre vocabulary

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the heavy supper she had eaten produced a soporific effect: she was already snoring before I had finished undressing.

Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre (1847)
When the monotonous sound of Weyrother’s voice ceased, Kutuzov opened his eye as a miller wakes up when the soporific drone of the mill wheel is interrupted.

Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace: With bonus material from Give War and Peace A Chance by Andrew D. Kaufman
One of his officers then broke the soporific silence of the tent.

Gabriel García Márquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude, p.191 (1970)
All this I was told; for, while the whole operation was performing, I lay in a profound sleep, by the force of that soporiferous medicine infused into my liquor. Fifteen hundred of the emperor's largest horses, each about four inches and a half high, were employed to draw me towards the metropolis, which, as I said, was half a mile distant.

Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Regions of the World (1726)
I have always said — and have proved by experiment — that the most powerful soporific is sleep itself. After having slept profoundly for two hours, having fought against so many giants, and formed so many lifelong friendships, it is far more difficult to awake than after taking several grammes of veronal.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 4]
The small seeds of Poppy, which are described in the 19. Scheme, both for their smalness, multiplicity and prettiness, as also for their admirable soporifick quality, deserve to be taken notice of among the other microscopical seeds of Vegetables

Robert Hooke. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
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