Wuthering Heights vocabulary

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1. persistent effort, that is, assiduous effort
2. [less common] when plural: personal attention

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And with his close assiduity, his conscientious devotion to his work, he's strained to the utmost; and there's some outside burden weighing on him, and not a light one," concluded the doctor,

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (Translated by Constance Garnett)
All in all the King would beget a total of eight children over a period of eleven years — undeniable proof of marital assiduity.

Antonia Fraser. Faith and Treason: The Story of the Gunpowder Plot, p.15 (1996)
I cannot say why, but this undulation of pure matter, this wholly carnal fluency, with not the least hint in it of spiritual significance, this wave lashed to a fury by the wind of an assiduity, an obsequiousness of the basest sort, awoke my mind suddenly to the possibility of a Legrandin altogether different from the one whom we knew.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 1]
Now, mine continually rove away; when I should be listening to Miss Scatcherd, and collecting all she says with assiduity, often I lose the very sound of her voice;

Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre (1847)
"Be firm, Herbert," I would retort, plying my own pen with great assiduity. "Look the thing in the face. Look into your affairs. Stare them out of countenance."

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
the Worthy and Inquisitive Dr. John Beal, is doing his part with much assiduity (of which he hath by several Letters acquainted his Friends in London) both by observing himself, and by procuring many Correspondents in several places in England for the same purpose; judging it of great importance, that Observations of this kind be made in parts somewhat distant from one another, that so from many of those, accurately made and then compared, it may be discovered, whether the Aire gravitates more in the parts of the Earth lying more East or West, North or South?

The Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions: Giving Some Accompt of the Present Undertakings, Studies,and Labours of the Ingenious in Many Considerable Parts of the World, volume I (1666)
he has formally professed himself my admirer; and, after a thousand assiduities, perceiving I made but a cold return to his addresses, he had recourse to the mediation of lady Griskin, who has acted the part of a very warm advocate in his behalf

Tobias Smollett. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771)
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