Wuthering Heights vocabulary

6 obsolete vocabulary words

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{n} That which is conceived, imagined, or formed in the mind; idea; thought; image; conception. [Obs.]
(v} To conceive; to imagine. [Archaic]
(v} To form an idea; to think. [Obs.]

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

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though your reasons seem inwardly to yourself somewhat substantial, and your persuasions pithy in your own conceit, yet being well-weighed without, they be shadows without substance, and weak without force.

John Lyly. Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578)
the comparison of Phaëton was so obvious, that he could not forbear applying it, although I did not much admire the conceit.

Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels (1726)
But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul so to his own conceit

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
The most grotesque and fantastic conceits haunted him in his bed at night.

F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby (1925)
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