Uncle Tom’s Cabin vocabulary

333 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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1. pouring out some alcoholic beverage onto the ground as a sacrifice in remembrance of someone
2. an alcoholic beverage [humorous]

image relating to libation
image: Key and Peele, Season 3 Episode 4.

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Dorothy (Vicki Lawrence): Kenny, this is my big sister Janice, and this is my brother-in-law Phil.
Phil (Jack Klugman): Welcome aboard, Ken!
Ken (Harvey Korman): [stares off into space]
Janice (Carol Burnett): Well, why don't we all just relax and soak up each other's vibes. [to Phil] Why don't you fix us a little libation, darling? [to Ken] Name your poison.

CBS. Carol Burnett and Friends: Small Office/The Clairvoyant (1975)
The abstinence demanded by Islamic tradition was more honored in the breach, and beside each name was the libation each guest favored; it was a lesson Evan had learned from the irascible Emmanual Weingrass.

Robert Ludlum. The Icarus Agenda. pg 38. (1988)
--Have you time for a brief libation, Martin? says Ned. 
--Only one, says Martin. We must be quick. J. J. and S.

James Joyce. Ulysses
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