Uncle Tom’s Cabin vocabulary

333 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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v.t. to tear asunder: to split: to pierce: to explode.—v.i. to be split asunder:

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1908)

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I shall ryve him through the sides twain.

Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales: The Pardoner's Tale
He’s forgotten all I’ve done for him, and made on him, and goan and riven up a whole row o’ t’ grandest currant-trees i’ t’ garden!’

Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights (1847)
The riven masts had gone by the board, leaks had been sprung in every direction, and the water, which rushed in, gained upon us rapidly.

Jean Rudolph Wyss. The Swiss Family Robinson or, Adventures on a Desert Island
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