Gulliver’s Travels vocabulary

1 beverage-related (wine, spirits, other) vocab words

1 [drink] words
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1. [Britain] a diluted, noncarbonated soft drink
2. a liqueur

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"You ought to have a drink of pepper cordial," he said, after a moment's thought. "If one does have a drink in this vale of tears it does no harm. And if Mamma were to pour a little pepper cordial in her ear it would do her a lot of good."

Anton Chekhov. The Chorus Girl and Other Stories.
He smellsipped the cordial juice and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, set his wineglass delicately down.

James Joyce. Ulysses
But I apprehend that we were personally fortunate in engaging a servant with a taste for cordials, who swelled our running account for porter at the public-house by such inexplicable items as 'quartern rum shrub (Mrs. C.)'; 'Half-quartern gin and cloves (Mrs. C.)'; 'Glass rum and peppermint (Mrs. C.)'—the parentheses always referring to Dora, who was supposed, it appeared on explanation, to have imbibed the whole of these refreshments.

Charles Dickens. David Copperfield (1850)
But the captain, Mr. Thomas Wilcocks, an honest worthy Shropshire man, observing I was ready to faint, took me into his cabin, gave me a cordial to comfort me, and made me turn in upon his own bed, advising me to take a little rest, of which I had great need.

Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Regions of the World (1726)
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