J. Maarten Troost

 The Sex Lives of Cannibals

help with published year published: 2004
help regarding book length length: 86,000 words
help with vocabulary count vocabulary count: 37
Your slacker son could do a lot worse than author Maarten Troost when he and fiancée Sylvia leave Washington D.C and move to the remote South Pacific island of Tarawa. Troost's humorous, histrionically-titled novel traces the inevitable extreme culture shock that gradually subsides over their two year stint as they adjust to the drought, heat, hunger, and malaise of the Kiribati culture.

While the aim of the book may be to provide a lighthearted glimpse into a culture few of us will ever experience, the author unwittingly ends up chronicling life on an atoll that is doomed from increasingly frequent flooding due to global warming.

If you cannot find the book anywhere perhaps you can bubuti a neighbor's.