Leo Tolstoy

 Anna Karenina

help with published year published: 1878
help regarding book length length: 353,000 words
help with vocabulary count vocabulary count: 488 of 493
help with difficulty index ajvocab's difficulty index: 1.4
translation: Constance Garnett
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Intimidated by War and Peace? Try this classic first. Tolstoy weaves characters and experiences from his own life into a fictional work some authors have described as "flawless" and "the best novel ever written". Oprah Winfrey recommended this novel in 2004 and Time Magazine concurred in 2007 when they listed the book as number one on their list of The 10 Greatest Books of All Time.

Compared to most classic literature this book is not very difficult. Challenges (for most people) will be with equestrian terminology, French words, geography, fashions, and words more commonly used before the twentieth century. Many of the vocabulary words used in this novel are found in several of the other works highlighted on ajvocab, therefore we consider the Anna Karenina flashcards a baseline for nineteenth century literature.