And Then There Were None vocabulary

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prussic acid

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a colorless and extremely toxic compound that has several industrial applications.

Historically it has been used as a murder weapon and a chemical weapon in warfare.

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Out of it she took a small glass-stoppered phial, that a scientific friend had given her long ago for use in case of extreme emergency. It contained prussic acid.

Grant Allen. The Woman Who Did.
No distinctive smell of Prussic Acid, probably Potassium Cyanide.

Agatha Christie. And Then There Were None. p.51 (1939)
(Many most attractive and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing, drowning, drinking prussic acid, aconite, arsenic, opening their veins, refusing food, casting themselves under steamrollers, from the top of Nelson’s Pillar, into the great vat of Guinness’s brewery, asphyxiating themselves by placing their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping from windows of different storeys.)

James Joyce. Ulysses
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