Great Expectations vocabulary

3 sport related terms

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a once very popular event in England where bulldogs were pitted against a bull. It continued for centuries until it was oulawed in the early 19th century.

image relating to bullbaiting
painting: by Samuel Henry Alken

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From 1625 to 1627 these statutes were passed:
No one shall engage in sports or any pastimes outside his own parish or bearbaiting, bullbaiting, interludes, plays or other unlawful pastimes inside his parish on Sundays because such has led to quarrels and bloodshed and nonattendance at church. The fine is 3s.4d. or if the offender does not have the money or goods to sell to pay, he shall be set in the public stocks for three hours.

S.A. Reilly. Our Legal Heritage, King AEthelbert, 596 to King George III, 1775
"Which I meantersay," cried Joe, "that if you come into my place bull-baiting and badgering me, come out! Which I meantersay as sech if you're a man, come on! Which I meantersay that what I say, I meantersay and stand or fall by!"

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
It was whispered abroad that I was what they called a vivisectionist; and these people, who would willingly have attended a bull-baiting or a prize fight, found themselves of a sudden wondrous humane when scientific procedure was under consideration.

Grant Allen. Strange Stories.
They will know of the saloon only in the pages of history, and they will think of the saloon as a quaint old custom similar to bull-baiting and the burning of witches.

Jack London. John Barleycorn
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