Great Expectations vocabulary

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to think deeply about a subject

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I was cogitating what the mystery might be, and determined Catherine should never suffer to benefit him or any one else,

Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights (1847)
"Well," said Joe, with the same appearance of profound cogitation, "he is not—no, not to deceive you, he is not—my nevvy."

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
After six months of fruitless cogitation, the case of Harriet Vanger cracked open.

Stieg Larsson. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Reg Keeland translation), p.323 (2009)
Touching the yielding to love, albeit their hearts seem tender, yet they harden them like the stone of Sicilia, the which the more it is beaten the harder it is: for being framed as it were of the perfection of men, they be free from all such cogitations as may any way provoke them to uncleanness, insomuch as they abhor the light love of youth, which is grounded upon lust, and dissolved, upon every light occasion.

John Lyly. Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578)
Mean while the opinion of the Authour touching this subject, is, That the union of Soul and Body consists onely in this, that certain motions of the Body are followed by certain Cogitations of the Soul, and, on the contrary, that certain Thoughts of the Soul are follow'd by certain Motions of the Body.

The Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions: Giving Some Accompt of the Present Undertakings, Studies,and Labours of the Ingenious in Many Considerable Parts of the World, volume I (1666)
These thoughts took me up many hours, days, nay, I may say weeks and months: and one particular effect of my cogitations on this occasion I cannot omit.

Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe
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