Great Expectations vocabulary

2 beverage-related (wine, spirits, other) vocab words

2 [drink] words
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or EGG-HOT, a drink made after the manner of purl and bishop, with beer, eggs, and spirits made hot and sweetened.

John Camden Hotten. The Slang Dictionary (1913)
basically a type of eggnog drink

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We had a hot supper on the occasion, graced by the inevitable roast fowl, and we had some flip to finish with.

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
he certainly ought to eat even were it only an eggflip made on unadulterated maternal nutriment

James Joyce. Ulysses
Flip? Did I say we had flip? Yes, and we flipped it at the rate of ten gallons the hour; and when the squall came (for it's squally off there by Patagonia), and all hands— visitors and all— were called to reef topsails, we were so top-heavy that we had to swing each other aloft in bowlines; and we ignorantly furled the skirts of our jackets into the sails, so that we hung there, reefed fast in the howling gale, a warning example to all drunken tars.

Herman Melville. Moby Dick
‘On such an occasion I will give you, Master Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘in a little more flip,’ for we had been having some already, ‘the memory of my papa and mama.’

Charles Dickens. David Copperfield (1850)
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