Great Expectations vocabulary

12 British vocabulary words

12 [britain] words
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"'Why, that's rum,' said the elder. 'Dashed rum! It's just like the ghost of a foot, ain't it?' He hesitated and advanced with outstretched hand. A man pulled up short to see what he was catching, and then a girl.

H.G. Wells. The Invisible Man.
—"and whatever he gives you, he'll give you good. Don't look forward to variety, but you'll have excellence. And there's another rum thing in his house,"

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
"That's a rum go! I could have sworn there were ten of them."

Agatha Christie. And Then There Were None. p.54 (1939)
“That’s a rum card,” the footman said to himself, and inquired of his companions whether it was a joke or what it was. “It is just a way he has,” said the butler (who regarded the Baron as slightly ‘touched,’ ‘a bit balmy’), “but he is one of Madame’s friends for whom I have always had the greatest respect, he has a good heart.”

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 5]
Buss her, wap in rogue’s rum lingo, for, O, my dimber wapping dell.

James Joyce. Ulysses
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