Rebecca vocabulary

8 food related vocabulary

8 [food] words
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A clear soup or bouillion boiled down so as to be very rich.

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
n. a kind of soup made from meat by slow boiling.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1908)
a type of clear soup made from richly flavored stock, or bouillon that has been clarified, a process that uses egg whites to remove fat and sediment.

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Martin Van Buren, his opponent, was portrayed as a foppish, Frenchified, un-American snob who sipped Champagne from a silver goblet and liked to begin his meals with consommé.

Thomas J. Craughwell. Thomas Jefferson's Crème Brûlée, p.165 (2012)
I remember every detail of that evening. I remember the ice-cold consommé in the cups, and the fillets of sole, and the hot shoulder of lamb.

Daphne du Maurier. Rebecca (1938)
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