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show the white feather

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to show signs of cowardice—a white feather in a gamecock's tail being considered as a sign of degeneracy.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1908)
He has a white feather; he is a coward; an allusion to a game cock, where having a white feather is a proof he is not of the true game breed.

Francis Grose. 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue

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"Friends," he said, "we'll send the women-folk home! 'Tis time they were in bed. Then we cockbirds will have a jolly carouse to ourselves! If any of the men show the white feather, let them look elsewhere for a winter's work."

Thomas Hardy. Far from the Madding Crowd (1874)
Darling: And look sir, pigeon feathers. White feathers—very apt, eh Blackadder?
Melchett: White feathers?

BBC. Blackadder, season 4: Corporal Punishment
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