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5 pathology terms (diseases and disease symptoms)

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Ambroise Paré. The Workes of that famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey (published: Latin in 1579, English in 1649), p.234,

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“she’d another complaint ever so many years before she had the dropsy, and the doctors couldn’t make out what it was. And she said to me, when I went to see her last Christmas, she said, ‘Mrs Pullet, if ever you have the dropsy, you’ll think o’ me.’

George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss (1860)
To my architecture succeeded dreams of lakes and silvery expanses of water: these haunted me so much that I feared (though possibly it will appear ludicrous to a medical man) that some dropsical state or tendency of the brain might thus be making itself (to use a metaphysical word) objective; and the sentient organ project itself as its own object.

Thomas De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821)
Miss Favian’s dropsical dackel.

Vladimir Nabokov. Lolita
 Why, you but send three drops of your elixir,
 You help him straight: there you have made a friend.
 Another has the palsy or the dropsy,
 He takes of your incombustible stuff,
 He's young again: there you have made a friend,

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
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Ambroise Paré. The Workes of that famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey (published: Latin in 1579, English in 1649), p.434,
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