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[129 - 210 AD]
A Greek physician and philosopher who greatly influenced medical science for over fifteen hundred years. His theories on the central nervous system (and PNS) controlling all the muscles of the body are still accepted as correct. Other theories of his were both bizarre and flat-out wrong, yet practiced for many centuries.

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The fact is that those who are enslaved to their sects are not merely devoid of all sound knowledge, but they will not even stop to learn!

Galen. On the Natural Faculties
House: We don't even know how to treat it. Come on. Fumigation of the vagina?
Wilson: A little louder—I don't think everyone heard you.
House: Two thousand years ago, that's how Galen treated schizophrenics. The Marcus Welby of ancient Greece.

David Shore. House, M.D., season 1: The Socratic Method @6:30 (2005)
O the hidden secrets of nature, the express image of moral virtues, the equal balance of justice, the medicines to heal all diseases, how they begin to delight me. The Axiomaes of Aristotle, the Maxims of Justinian, the Aphorisms of Galen, have suddenly made such a breach into my mind, that I seem only to desire them, which did only erst detest them.

John Lyly. Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578)
he will not hear a word Of Galen; or his tedious recipes.—

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
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