Middlemarch vocabulary

551 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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in Greek mythology, a fecund woman who bragged excessively about having 14 children... yada yada yada...Apollo and Artemis killed 13 of her children and turned her to stone. The stone, which is located in western Turkey, appears to weep.

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the mid-summer and midnight air was hot, sullen, and still, and no motion in the statue-like form itself, stirred even the folds of that raiment of very vapor which hung around it as the heavy marble hangs around the Niobe.

Edgar Allan Poe. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 2
And he imagined his own funeral: he, the injured husband, lies in his coffin with a gentle smile on his lips, and she, pale, tortured by remorse, follows the coffin like a Niobe, not knowing where to hide herself to escape from the withering, contemptuous looks cast upon her by the indignant crowd.

Anton Chekhov. The Horse Stealers and other stories.
With which she followed my poor father's body Like Niobe, all tears; — why she, even she, —

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
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