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[1489 - 1576]
an Italian painter, the most important member of the 16th-century Venetian school. [...]. During his lifetime he was often called da Cadore, taken from the place of his birth.
Recognized by his contemporaries as "The Sun Amidst Small Stars" (recalling the famous final line of Dante's Paradiso), Titian was one of the most versatile of Italian painters, equally adept with portraits, landscape backgrounds, and mythological and religious subjects. His painting methods, particularly in the application and use of color, would exercise a profound influence not only on painters of the Italian Renaissance, but on future generations of Western art.

a very famous artist who liked to paint red-haired women.

Lucy Maud Montgomery. Anne of Green Gables (1908)

image relating to Titian image relating to Titian
painting 1: Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18220781

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He saw a well-painted (no, not even that—he distinctly saw now a mass of defects) repetition of those endless Christs of Titian, Raphael, Rubens, and the same soldiers and Pilate. It was all common, poor, and stale, and positively badly painted—weak and unequal.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (1878)
Tintoretto: a famous Italian artist, one of Ruskin's "five supreme painters," born at Venice; save for a few lessons under Titian he seems to have been self-taught; took for his models Titian and Michael Angelo, and came specially to excel in grandeur of conception and in strong chiaroscuro effects; amongst his most notable pictures are "Belshazzar's Feast," "The Last Supper," "The Crucifixion," "The Last Judgment," "The Resurrection," &c.; some of these are of enormous size (1518-1594).

Rev. James Wood. The Nuttall Encyclopedia (1907)
His favorite artists were Rembrandt, Sargent, and "Titan," but he added, advisedly, that he himself didn't care to draw along those lines.

J.D. Salinger. Nine Stories: De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period, p.146 (1948)
He discoursed of Cimabué, Arpino, Carpaccio, and Argostino—of the gloom of Caravaggio, of the amenity of Albano, of the colors of Titian, of the frows of Rubens, and of the waggeries of Jan Steen.

Edgar Allan Poe. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 4: Lionizing (1835)
The several schools of the old masters were represented by a Madonna of Raphael, a Virgin of Leonardo da Vinci, a nymph of Corregio, a woman of Titan, an Adoration of Veronese, an Assumption of Murillo, a portrait of Holbein, a monk of Velasquez, a martyr of Ribera, a fair of Rubens, two Flemish landscapes of Teniers, three little "genre" pictures of Gerard Dow, Metsu, and Paul Potter, two specimens of Gericault and Prudhon, and some sea-pieces of Backhuysen and Vernet.

Jules Verne. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
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