Middlemarch vocabulary

551 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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shaped like an eagle's beak; hooked

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Nothing could be seen behind the woollen shawl in which she was muffled but a pale, long, pointed, somewhat aquiline nose, and one large dark eye.

Anton Chekhov. The Duel and Other Stories
With her black hair, her large eyes, her aquiline nose, her birdlike walk, and always silent now, did she not seem to be passing through life scarcely touching it, and to bear on her brow the vague impress of some divine destiny?

Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary
She had a bold, aquiline face, a face mat one might have called noble until one discovered that there was as nearly as possible nothing behind it.

George Orwell. 1984 (1949)
Malory: And no matter which way I turn you're butting in with that big, fat, strong aquiline nose of yours.
Archer: Wait. What?
Len Trexler: You said it was the nose of a Caesar.

Adam Reed. Archer, season 1: Skorpio (2010)
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