Middlemarch vocabulary

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castle in the air

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a visionary project; a baseless scheme; an air castle; -- sometimes called a castle in Spain (F. Château en Espagne).
Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

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In a word, whoever uses common sense upon religious opinions, and will bestow on this inquiry the attention that is commonly given to most subjects, will easily perceive that Religion is a mere castle in the air. Theology is ignorance of natural causes; a tissue of fallacies and contradictions.

Baron dʼHolbach. Good Sense (1772, English in 1900)
I was to make in life, and the distinguished things I was to do. My echoing footsteps went to no other tune, but were as constant to that as if I had come home to build my castles in the air at a living mother's side.

Charles Dickens. David Copperfield (1850)
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