Middlemarch vocabulary

551 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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1. solemn and dignified, as a funeral
2. relating to a funeral

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From the belfries far and near the funereal deathbell tolled unceasingly while all around the gloomy precincts rolled the ominous warning of a hundred muffled drums punctuated by the hollow booming of pieces of ordnance.

James Joyce. Ulysses
I comprehended at last the full horror of my situation, and the funereal and awful restraints of the state into which I had just entered became clearly revealed to me. To be a priest!—that is, to be chaste, to never love, to observe no distinction of sex or age, to turn from the sight of all beauty, to put out one's own eyes,

Théophile Gautier. Clarimonde
in the funereal room, with that figure of the grave fallen back in the chair fixing its eyes upon her, Estella looked more bright and beautiful than before, and I was under stronger enchantment.

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
There was something funereal in the whole affair, and Mr. Casaubon seemed to be the officiating clergyman, about whom it would be indecent to make remarks.

George Eliot. Middlemarch
Varden touched Alice on the shoulder, a funereal gesture.

Drew Perry. Kids These Days, p.112 (2014)
"We know the scene of the crime," Brinker went on, "high in that . . . that funereal tree by the river. There wasn't any poison, nothing as subtle as that."

John Knowles. A Separate Peace, p.109 (1959)
the golden sands appear more charming still from being fastened, like fair Andromeda, to those terrible rocks of the surrounding coast, to that funereal shore, famed for the number of its wrecks, where every winter many a brave vessel falls a victim to the perils of the sea.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 1]
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