Middlemarch vocabulary

8 pathology terms (diseases and disease symptoms)

8 [pathosis] words
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1. a migraine
2. low spirits, gloominess; depression
3. a caprice
image relating to megrim
Ambroise Paré. The Workes of that famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey (published: Latin in 1579, English in 1649), p.401, https://archive.org/stream/workesofthatfamo00par#page/401/mode/1up

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For a moment Peggy could not answer for indignation; then, choking back a crushing retort, she replied sagely:
“The people are well enough, Harriet. ’Tis thy feeling which is not right. Thee certainly has the megrims to-day.”

Lucy Foster Madison. Peggy Owen at Yorktown.
Lydgate was abrupt but not irritable, taking little notice of megrims in healthy people; and Ladislaw did not usually throw away his susceptibilities on those who took no notice of them.

George Eliot Middlemarch
It was an ancient and a sad matron of a sedate look and christian walking, in habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage, nor did her hortative want of it effect for incontinently Punch Costello was of them all embraided and they reclaimed the churl with civil rudeness some and shaked him with menace of blandishments

James Joyce. Ulysses
image relating to megrim
Ambroise Paré. The Workes of that famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey (published: Latin in 1579, English in 1649), p.442, https://archive.org/stream/workesofthatfamo00par#page/442/mode/1up
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