Middlemarch vocabulary

1 Latin vocabulary words

1 [latin] words
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everyone; everybody; the whole group (sometimes seen in stage directions)

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Omnes famulæ: And sir for Nurses sake pardon this one offence.
We shall not after this shew the like negligence.

Nicholas Udall. Roister Doister
We have evidently been too easy going, and the mistake Swann is making will create all the more stir since he was respected, not to say received, and was almost the only Jew that anyone knew. People will say: Ab uno disce omnes.*” (His satisfaction at having hit, at the right moment, in his memory, upon so apt a quotation, alone brightened with a proud smile the melancholy of the great nobleman conscious of betrayal.)

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 4]
*from one, learn everything, taken from Virgil's Aeneid and implies one example provides a general truth
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