The Young Lions vocabulary

23 places mentioned

23 [geography] words
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a region of northwestern France that has been inhabited by humans for about 35,000 years. The Britons settled there at the end of 4th century and the region was absorbed into France in the 1500's

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map: by OpenStreetMap®, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license

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Nowhere, perhaps, except on the shores of the English Channel, where Normandy merges into Brittany, have I been able to find such copious examples of what you might call a vegetable kingdom in the clouds.

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 1] (1913)
He smiled a little and even managed to drop off to sleep in the next ten minutes as the train rolled slowly on toward Brittany.

Irwin Shaw. The Young Lions, p.164 (1948)
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