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Leonardo da Vinci

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[1452 - 1519]
an Italian polymath of the Renaissance, whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He has been variously called the father of palaeontology, ichnology, and architecture, and is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time. Sometimes credited with the inventions of the parachute, helicopter and tank, he epitomised the Renaissance humanist ideal.

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George: Excellent. I, I can see it now; "The Nun and the Hun".
Blackadder: Brilliant! No time to lose. George, set up your easel, Baldrick and I will pose. This is going to be art's greatest moment since Mona Lisa sat down and told Leonardo da Vinci she was in a slightly odd mood. Baldrick, you lie down in the mud and be the nun.

BBC. Blackadder, season 4: Captain Cook
Eventually his love of the arts was to bring Leonardo da Vinci to live in France, and he was to elicit from Benvenuto Cellini ecstatic praise as "that glorious monarch." The esteem was more or less mutual: Francis is said to have remarked with kingly generosity: "I can create a peer but only God can create an artist."

Jay Williams. The World of Titian, p.102. Time-Life Books (1968)
Howard W. Sams proves in his Winston Niles Rumfoord, Benjamin Franklin, and Leonardo da Vinci that German batball was the only team sport with which Rumfoord was at all familiar as a child.

Kurt Vonnegut. The Sirens of Titan (1959)
The several schools of the old masters were represented by a Madonna of Raphael, a Virgin of Leonardo da Vinci, a nymph of Corregio, a woman of Titan, an Adoration of Veronese, an Assumption of Murillo, a portrait of Holbein, a monk of Velasquez, a martyr of Ribera, a fair of Rubens, two Flemish landscapes of Teniers, three little "genre" pictures of Gerard Dow, Metsu, and Paul Potter, two specimens of Gericault and Prudhon, and some sea-pieces of Backhuysen and Vernet.

Jules Verne. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Designed by Da Vinci in 1495 as an outgrowth of his earliest anatomy and kinesiology studies, the internal mechanism of the robot knight possessed accurate joints and tendons,

Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code (2003)
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