The Grapes of Wrath vocabulary

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1. (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of large gallinaceous birds of the genus Phasianus, and many other genera of the family Phasianidæ, found chiefly in Asia.

Note: The common, or English, pheasant (Phasianus Colchicus) is now found over most of temperate Europe, but was introduced from Asia. The ring-necked pheasant (P. torquatus) and the green pheasant (P. versicolor) have been introduced into Oregon. The golden pheasant (Thaumalea picta) is one of the most beautiful species. The silver pheasant (Euplocamus nychthemerus) of China, and several related species from Southern Asia, are very beautiful.

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

image relating to pheasant
Photo: by Marthijn Brinks, CC0,

sound file: by Jonathon Jongsma, XC179662. Accessible at

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 My foot-boy shall eat pheasants, calver'd* salmons,
 Knots, godwits, lampreys: I myself will have
 The beards of barbels served, instead of sallads;
 Oil'd mushrooms; and the swelling unctuous paps
 Of a fat pregnant sow, newly cut off,
 Drest with an exquisite, and poignant sauce;

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
calvered: sliced and pickeled
Suddenly there was a piercing scream that rose high above fog and tree, and a startled pheasant broke from its hiding place nearby with a frightening rattle of wings.

Diana Gabaldon. Outlander (1991)
In England he had galloped in a red coat over hedges and killed two hundred pheasants for a bet.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina
He’s exactly like the son of the fortune-teller that stole my tame pheasant.

Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights (1847)
The poor man starves while they are grassing their royal mountain stags or shooting peasants and phartridges* in their purblind pomp of pelf and power.

James Joyce. Ulysses
*stand down, pedants, obviously he intentionally flipped the p and ph of the two birds...
At one dinner prepared for the king, her chef served a pheasant consommé, a ragout of snipe, poached chicken in a cream and butter sauce, roasted chicken with watercress salad, crayfish in Sauternes, and peach ice and strawberries in marachino washed down by a liqueur made of green walnuts.

Thomas J. Craughwell. Thomas Jefferson's Crème Brûlée, p.65 (2012)
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