Catch-22 vocabulary

3 Christianity and/or Biblical vocabulary words

3 [christianity] words
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1. (when capitalized) a member of a Christian sect that believes children must be rebaptized when they are adults, as Amish and Mennonites.
2. [archaic] a pickpocket caught red-handed and thereafter dunked in a horsepond as punishment

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"[...] Doesn't the word Anabaptist simply mean that you're not a Baptist?"
"Oh, no, sir. There's much more."

Joseph Heller. Catch-22, p.383 (1961)
Towards the close of the seventeenth century Cotton Mather had written: “Rhode Island is a colluvies of Antinomians, Familists, Anabaptists, Anti-Sabbatarians, Arminians, Socinians, Quakers, Ranters, everything in the world but Roman Catholics and true Christians.”

George Washington Greene. A Short History of Rhode Island.
 SUB. What, more gudgeons! Dol, scout, scout!
 Stay, Face, you must go to the door,
 'Pray God it be my anabaptist—Who is't, Dol?

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
A man who had never been christened, a good Anabaptist, named James, beheld the cruel and ignominious treatment shown to one of his brethren, an unfeathered biped with a rational soul, he took him home, cleaned him, gave him bread and beer, presented him with two florins, and even wished to teach him the manufacture of Persian stuffs which they make in Holland.

Voltaire. Candide
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