Catch-22 vocabulary

268 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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a short, witty saying

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A virgin audience like Colonel Sheisskopf was grist for General Peckem's mill, a stimulating opportunity to throw open his whole dazzling erudite treasure house of puns, wisecracks, slanders, homilies, anecdotes, proverbs, epigrams, apothegms, bon mots and other pungent sayings.

Joseph Heller. Catch-22, p.319 (1961)
A stone being cast by the plough against a lump of earth, hastened to open the conversation as follows: "Virtue, which is the opposite of vice, is best fostered by the absence of temptation!" The lump of earth, being taken somewhat by surprise, was not prepared with an apophthegm, and said nothing. Since that time it has been customary to call a stupid person a "clod."

Ambrose Bierce. Cobwebs from an Empty Skull . 
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