Catch-22 vocabulary

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1. To smile in a silly, affected, or conceited manner.
2. To glimmer; to twinkle. [Obs.]
3. A constrained, self-conscious smile; an affected, silly smile; a smirk.

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
v.i. to smile in a silly, affected manner.
n. a silly or affected smile.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1908)

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Was kinder to his father than my daughters
Got ’tween the lawful sheets.
To’t, luxury, pell-mell, for I lack soldiers.
Behold yond simp’ring dame,
Whose face between her forks presages snow;

William Shakespeare. King Lear
With a made countenance about her mouth, between simpering and smiling.

Sir Phillip Sidney.
The conscious simper, and the jealous leer.

Alexander Pope.
"Come, is Babylon reformed, or have you degenerated?" she added, glancing with a simper at Kitty.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (Translated by Constance Garnett)
Kitty simpered and smiled, and hoped her turn was coming soon.

Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice (1813)
"I think, my lord," the Q.C. suggested with a sympathetic simper, "your lordship's too ill to open the court to-day. Perhaps the proceedings had better be adjourned for the present."

Grant Allen. What's Bred in the Bone
"Now, Chrono—" she said simperingly, "it’s only a game, you know."

Kurt Vonnegut. The Sirens of Titan (1959)
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