The Pillars of the Earth vocabulary

6 food related vocabulary

6 [food] words
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1. a rabbit, a rabbit-like animal or a rabbit fur
2. a simpleton
3. a common name given to various species of fish
“The coney is a lytel beste dwellynge in an hole of the erthe / & thore as he vseth he encreaseth very moche, and therfore he is profitable for man, for he casteth oftentymes in the yere ... Ysaac sayth. That conys flesshe hath properli the vertue to strengen the mawe and to dissolue the bely / and it casseth moche vryne.” The Noble Lyfe, sign. e. i.

John Russell. The Boke of Nurture (1460) (footnote)

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Wortus with an henne / Cony / beef, or els añ haare,
Frumenty with venesoun / pesyñ with bakoñ, longe wortes not spare;
Gely, mortrows / creyme of almondes, þe mylke þer-of is good fare.
Iusselle, tartlett, cabages, & nombles of vennure,
alle þese potages ar good and sure
of oþer sewes & potages þat ar not made by nature,
alle Suche siropis sett a side youre heere to endure.

John Russell. The Boke of Nurture (1460)
the least moth in time eats the thickest cloth, and I have read that in a short space, there was a Town in Spain undermined with conies, in Thessaly with moles, with frogs in France, in Africa with flies.

John Lyly. Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578)
Fal. Wel, afore God, I must cheat, I must conycatch. Which of you knowes Ford of this Towne?
Pis. I ken the wight, he is of substance good.

William Shakespeare. The Merry Wives of Windsor.
For his nutriment he shewed how he would feed himself exclusively upon a diet of savoury tubercles and fish and coneys there, the flesh of these latter prolific rodents being highly recommended for his purpose, both broiled and stewed with a blade of mace and a pod or two of capsicum chillies.

James Joyce. Ulysses
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