The Pillars of the Earth vocabulary

2 beverage-related (wine, spirits, other) vocab words

2 [drink] words
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1. pear cider
2. a pear tree

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The only genuine and wholesome beveridge in England, is London porter, and Dorchester table-beer; but as for your ale and your gin, your cyder and your perry, and all the trashy family of made wines, I detest them as infernal compositions, contrived for the destruction of the human species

Tobias Smollett. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771)
so easy and good-humoured were they, that they found no fault with my Worcestershire perry, which I sold them for champagne; and to be sure it is as well tasted and as wholesome as the best champagne in the kingdom,

Henry Fielding. History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749)
And thus I leave him sitting in the perry,
And January and May roaming full merry.

Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales: The Merchant's Tale (1400)
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