War and Peace vocabulary

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Count Ilya (Andreyevich) Rostov

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Optimistic father, agreeable but foolish. Hopeless with finances, generous to a fault. As a result the Rostovs never have enough cash, in spite of having many estates.

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Count Ilya Rostov, hurried and preoccupied, went about in his soft boots between the dining and drawing rooms, hastily greeting the important and unimportant, all of whom he knew, as if they were all equals, while his eyes occasionally sought out his fine well-set-up young son, resting on him and winking joyfully at him. Young Rostov stood at a window with Dolokhov, whose acquaintance he had lately made and highly valued. The old count came up to them and pressed Dolokhov’s hand.

Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace: With bonus material from Give War and Peace A Chance by Andrew D. Kaufman . Simon & Schuster
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