War and Peace vocabulary

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one of the conspirators in the failed uprising against Czar Nicholas I on his accession on December 26,1825. The participants were executed, exiled or imprisoned, depending upon their rank.

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image: by Karl Kolman, public domain

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At the time when the elder brother, with a mass of debts, married Princess Varya Tchirkova, the daughter of a Decembrist without any fortune whatever, Alexey had given up to his elder brother almost the whole income from his father's estate, reserving for himself only twenty-five thousand a year from it.

Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (Translated by Constance Garnett)
[Tolstory] originally intended to tell the story of the Decembrist movement which culminated in the émeute of 1825, and which was the disastrous forerunner of the “back to the people” movement of the seventies, and the revolutionary movements which eventually culminated in the downfall of the tsardom and the Revolution of 1917. But while studying the Decembrist conspiracy Tolstóy’s thoughts went back to the period during which it had ripened— to the French invasion in 1812— and further back still to the Russian reverses which preceded that.

Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace: With bonus material from Give War and Peace A Chance by Andrew D. Kaufman
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