The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn vocabulary

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a European genus of plants, some are invasive in North America. They commonly grow along roadsides and in fields, appearing as tall, brown seed-head stalks discernable even from a distance.
They were once commonly used in medicinal preparations. The dry stalks are favored as spindles in fire starting.

image relating to mullein
image relating to mullein
first photo taken in the spring, the second in the late fall
photos: by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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"One er dem big cat-tail-lookin' mullen-stalks would grow in heah, Mars Tom, I reck'n, but she wouldn't be wuth half de trouble she'd coss."

Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
She caught endless colds sitting on damp grass to book 'a delicious bit', composed of a stone, a stump, one mushroom, and a broken mullein stalk, or 'a heavenly mass of clouds', that looked like a choice display of featherbeds when done.

Louisa May Alcott. Little Women (1869)
Can we suppose that apple-trees would have borne buckeyes, or mullein-stalks produced pumpkins, or any thing foreign to their nature, if the command had not been given for each to bring forth after its kind?

Kersey and Lydia Graves. The Bible of Bibles (1879)
Mullein might have been the most potent of all warding herbs used by conjurers.

D. B. Jackson. The Thieftaker, p.167 (2012)
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