The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn vocabulary

4 architecture terms

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1. (Arch.) A prop or support; a piece of timber in the form of a stake or post, used for a support or stay.
2. (Naut.) Any upright post or beam used as a support, as for the deck, the quarter rails, awnings, etc.

Noah Webster. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

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the Prince, having tied his arms and legs, made him fast to a stanchion.

Arnold Bennett. The Grand Babylon Hôtel (1902)
clumb out on to the porch-roof and slid down a stanchion and traded his new coat for a jug of forty-rod,

Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The stanchions stood too close to suffer his shoulders to follow, and I smiled, exulting in my fancied security.

Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights (1847)
The carpenter's mate said he should want short stanchions to be placed so that the upper end should touch the deck, and the under-part rest on what was laid over the leak; and presently took a length for them.

William Dampier. A Continuation of a Voyage to New Holland, Etc. in the Year 1699
There was a light stanchion out in the middle of the track to signal how much time there was left in each race — green to yellow to red.

Drew Perry. Kids These Days, p.150 (2014)
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