The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn vocabulary

2 birds and/or bird terms

2 [avian] words
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a medium-sized (22–27 cm) nightjar from North America. [It] is commonly heard within its range, but less often seen because of its camouflage. It is named onomatopoeically after its song.

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image relating to whip-poor-will
painting: by Louis Agassiz Fuertes (around 1912)

audio file: By Jonathon Jongsma ( ) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( )]

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I heard a whippoorwill callin’, and I thought to myself, Go on away from here, we’ll whip ole Will when we find him.

Ralph Ellison. The Invisible Man (1952)
The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful; and I heard an owl, away off, who-whooing about somebody that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog crying about somebody that was going to die;

Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
From across the road a bird sang “Whippoorwill, whippoorwill!”

E. B. White. Charlotte's Web (1952)
A whip-poor-will sang out. [she] had told him once that whip-poor-wills were the departed spirits of loved ones.

Sue Monk Kidd. The Mermaid Chair, p.56 (2005)
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