Treasure Island vocabulary

2 music terms, specific compositions and/or instruments

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a song deriding Roman Catholics which was popular during the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688, when William of Orange overthrew King James II. Now it is the BBC "World Service theme"

sound file: by P.Howe, CC0

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The six scoundrels were sitting grumbling under a sail in the forecastle; ashore we could see the gigs made fast and a man sitting in each, hard by where the river runs in. One of them was whistling "Lillibullero."

Robert Louis Stevenson. Treasure Island (1883)
My uncle Toby would never offer to answer this by any other kind of argument, than that of whistling half a dozen bars of Lillebullero.——You must know it was the usual channel thro’ which his passions got vent, when any thing shocked or surprized him:

Laurence Sterne. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759)
for tho’ it might have suited my uncle Toby’s character as a soldier excellently well,—and had he not accustomed himself, in such attacks, to whistle the Lillabullero, as he wanted no courage, ’tis the very answer he would have given; yet it would by no means have done for me.

Laurence Sterne. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759)
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