Treasure Island vocabulary

113 vocabulary words, including people, places, music, artists, etc.

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1. [Britain] a marshland
2. [US] a swamp leading to a large waterway

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he esteems me by holding me in such respect that he does not dishonour his couch with the tricks of street-walkers and bad women. I should think myself forever disgraced, and should be contaminated to all eternity if I put my foot in these sloughs where go these shameless hussies. A man's wife is one thing, and his mistress another.

Honoré de Balzac. Droll Stories
There was a slough or a creek leading out of it on the other side that went miles away, I don't know where, but it didn't go to the river.

Mark Twain. Huckleberry Finn.
not having sense enough to know honest air from poison, and the dry land from a vile, pestiferous slough. I think it most probable—though, of course, it's only an opinion—that you'll all have the deuce to pay before you get that malaria out of your systems.

Robert Louis Stevenson. Treasure Island (1883)
“Now these would look nice on the back fence. They’d screen off the slough. I wonder if there’s enough sun.”

John Steinbeck. East of Eden, p.590 (1952)
reconstruct the universe under a new light and evoke without trembling Pietro Crespi's smell of lavender at dusk and rescue Rebeca from her slough of misery,

Gabriel García Márquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude, p.300 (1970)
Wherefore Christian was left to tumble in the Slough of Despond alone: but still he endeavoured to struggle to that side of the Slough that was still further from his own house, and next to the Wicket-gate; the which he did, but could not get out, because of the Burden that was upon his back:

John Bunyan. Pilgrim’s Progress (1678)
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