Hamlet vocabulary

9 mythology vocabulary words

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1. a river in Hades, known as the river of forgetfulness
2 forgetfulness

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image: by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, 1880

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GHOST. I find thee apt; And duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf,

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
You take fair correct copies, well bound in calf’s skin and lettered at the back, of all modern bodies of arts and sciences whatsoever, and in what language you please. These you distil in balneo Mariæ, infusing quintessence of poppy Q.S., together with three pints of lethe, to be had from the apothecaries.

Jonathan Swift. The History of Martin: A Digression in the Modern Kind
I was obliged to call, standing still on the spot, before that steeple, for hours on end, motionless, trying to remember, feeling deep within myself a tract of soil reclaimed from the waters of Lethe slowly drying until the buildings rise on it again;

Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time [volume 1]
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