Hamlet vocabulary

3 beverage-related (wine, spirits, other) vocab words

3 [drink] words
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of the Rhine valley in Germany, usually referring specifically to the wine

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Take wyne greke, oþer rynysshe wyne and hony clarified þerwith. take flour of rys powdour of Gyngur oþ of peper & canel. oþer flour of canel. powdour of clowes, safroun. sugur cypre. mylberyes, oþer saundres. & medle alle þise togider. boile it and salt it. and loke þat it be stondyng.

The Master-Cooks of King Richard II. The Forme of Cury (1390)
the wine was strong enough to cause a mild paralysis of the vocal cords.
“Won—wonderful,” I managed to get out.
Colum nodded. “Aye, that it is. Rhenish, ye know. You’re not familiar with it?”

Diana Gabaldon. Outlander (1991)
HAMLET The King doth wake to-night and takes his rouse, Keeps wassail, and the swaggering up-spring reels; And, as he drains his draughts of Rhenish down, The kettle-drum and trumpet thus bray out The triumph of his pledge.

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
The window was open to the March night and the weedy Rhenish smell of the river soaked into the room,

Irwin Shaw. Rich Man, Poor Man (1959)
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