Hamlet vocabulary

10 pathology terms (diseases and disease symptoms)

10 [pathosis] words
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a scar

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Scarcely one of these savages was without some remarkable scar: one of them attracted our attention by a deep cut across the belly. We contrived to ask him how he got this cicatrice; and he pointed to his lance, from which it may be inferred that they are not unaccustomed to war, either with their neighbours or each other, and that they are possessed of skilful surgeons.

Otto von Kotzebue. A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26. Vol. 1
a small cicatrice had been made on the memory, a wound that would ache whenever certain things combined

Graham Greene. The Heart of the Matter, p.13 (1948)
Since yet thy cicatrice looks raw and red After the Danish sword, and thy free awe

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
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