Hamlet vocabulary

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to cheat; to swindle

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SUB. Yes, the casa,
 My precious Diego, will prove fair enough
 To cozen you in. Do you mark? you shall
 Be cozen'd, Diego.
FACE. Cozen'd, do you see,
 My worthy Donzel, cozen'd.
SUR. Entiendo.

Ben Jonson. The Alchemist (1610)
You never know what reason is, but always Jump first to one extreme, and then the other. You see your error, and you recognise That you've been cozened by a feigned zeal;

Molière. Tartuffe Or, the Hypocrite
What devil was't / That thus hath cozen'd you at hoodman-blind?

William Shakespeare. Hamlet.
she would not overestimate the dark man’s craft and cozening.

Stephen King. The Stand (1990)
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