Hamlet vocabulary

3 beverage-related (wine, spirits, other) vocab words

3 [drink] words
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1. [obsolete] to curdle or coagulate (of milk)
2. to vomit up posseted milk (of a baby)
3. a hot spiced drink of cream, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and some type of alcohol (wine/ale), so basically egg nog.

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And with a sudden vigour it doth posset And curd, like eager droppings into milk, The thin and wholesome blood; so did it mine;

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
I maintain it, said my uncle Toby, it would have broke the cerebellum (unless indeed the skull had been as hard as a granado) and turn’d it all into a perfect posset.——Pshaw! replied Dr. Slop, a child’s head is naturally as soft as the pap of an apple;—the sutures give way—and besides, I could have extracted by the feet after.

Laurence Sterne. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759)
Take the yolks of twenty eggs, then have a pottle of good thick sweet cream, boil it with good store of whole cinamon, and stir it continually on a good fire, then strain the eggs with a little raw cream; when the cream is well boiled and tasteth of the spice, take it off the fire, put in the eggs, and stir them well in the cream, being pretty thick, have some sack in a posset pot or deep silver bason, half a pound of double refined sugar, and some fine grated nutmeg, warm it in the bason and pour in the cream and eggs, the cinamon being taken out, pour it as high as you can hold the skillet, let it spatter in the bason to make it froth, it will make a most excellent posset, then have loaf-sugar fine beaten, and strow on it good store.
To the curd you may add some fine grated manchet, some claret or white-wine, or ale only.

THE Accomplisht Cook, OR THE ART & MYSTERY OF COOKERY. (1685)
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