Hamlet vocabulary

84 obsolete vocabulary words

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illegitimate child, literally the son of a whore; a bastard

this word was apparently a once loosely cast insult, similar to "that bastard"

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M. Mery. Couche on your marybones whooresons, down to the ground.
Was it meete he should tarie so long in one place
Without harmonie of Musike, or some solace?

Nicholas Udall. Roister Doister
Hamlet: Whose was it?
Clown. A whoreson, mad fellow's it was. Whose do you think it was?
Hamlet: Nay, I know not.
Clown: A pestilence on him for a mad rogue! 'A pour'd a flagon of Rhenish on my head once. This same skull, sir, was Yorick's skull, the King's jester.

William Shakespeare. Hamlet
“an’ I don’t care to come second to any man, let alone a Scottish whoreson like this.”

Diana Gabaldon. Outlander (1991)
Richard, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a widowed Ann (what's in a name?), woos and wins her, a whoreson merry widow.

James Joyce. Ulysses
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