The Greek word apokryphos means 'hidden,' and the Apocrypha are therefore the hidden books which some consider highly controversial and others think should be included in the Old Testament. They are Tobias, Judith, Esther, Baruch, Sirach, the books of the Maccabees, and some others."
Stieg Larsson. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Reg Keeland translation), p.444 (2009)
► uses
Witchsmeller: [opening the Bible] The Ten Commandments of Jeremoth; in the Appendix to the Apocrypha: "And the Lord said unto the children of Bedinibott, `Neither shalt thou eat the fruit of the tree that is known as the Carrot Tree'."
Baldrick: Carrots don't grow on trees!
BBC. Blackadder, season 1: Witchsmeller Pursuivant
"Pastor Falk was saying that this person was enthralled by the esoteric sources, specifically the Apocrypha. [...]"
Stieg Larsson. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Reg Keeland translation), p.444 (2009)
He was a quick fellow, and when hot from play, would toss himself in a corner, and in five minutes be deep in any sort of book that he could lay his hands on: if it were Rasselas or Gulliver, so much the better, but Bailey’s Dictionary would do, or the Bible with the Apocrypha in it.