Blackadder vocabulary

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Billingsgate, London

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a ward of London, once famous for its fishmarket and noisy fishmongers
The raucous cries of the fish vendors gave rise to "Billingsgate" as a eponym for profanity or offensive language.

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image relating to Billingsgate, London

image relating to Billingsgate, London
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Blackadder: I can not believe it! She drags me all the way from Billingsgate to Richmond to play about the weakest practical joke since Cardinal Wolsey got his nob out at Hampton Court and stood at the end of the passage pretending to be a door.
Baldrick: (laughs)
Blackadder: Oh shut up Balders, you'd laugh at a Shakespeare comedy

BBC. Blackadder Season 2
Some cried; some swore; and the tropes and figures of Billingsgate were used without reserve in all their native zest and flavour; nor were those flowers of rhetoric unattended with significant gesticulation.

Tobias Smollett. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771)
Old London Bridge was soon passed, and old Billingsgate Market with its oyster-boats and Dutchmen, and the White Tower and Traitor's Gate, and we were in among the tiers of shipping.

Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (1861)
I went to Brooks’s, but there was hardly anybody there, and nothing occurred in the House of Commons but some interchange of Billingsgate between O’Connell and George Dawson.

Charles Greville. The Greville Memoirs, volume 2 (Nov. 10, 1830)
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